A manufacturing factory with a multi-pronged problem of an execution gap because of skilled labor turnover

100+ hours of training

High cost of training workers to meet the technical standards required for the production line

Shift changes

Unplanned absence of skilled workers impact shift planning and productivity

Turnover costs

With a widening skill gap in the industry, trained operators often leave to join competitors

Transformation Strategy


Simplified production plan

Breaking up the task complexity into jobs with a small amount of work in progress inventory

Lean flow process

Introducing a flow line of semi-skilled & un-skilled operators for small repetitive tasks for lean management

On-the-job training

Incorporating training for low-complexity tasks with on-the-job trainers and structured evaluation

Solution Impact


Reduced hiring cost of skilled labor

Increased efficiency with a push & pull system

Increased throughput


Digitizing Inventory Management


Robotic Solution